Docking: ASA Course 118
Register for Docking - ASA Course 118
Course Location
Pikes Bay Marina, 84190 Pikes Bay Road, Bayfield, WI 54814
All mariners have experienced stressful docking situations. Several factors contribute to docking stress; new to the boat, unfamiliar location, narrow slips or fairways, inexperienced crew or skipper and variable winds are most common. Northern Breezes has earned a reputation for helping you remove these stressors through knowledge and experience. Knowledge and experience are the building blocks of docking skills.
The focus is on maneuvering fundamentals which is followed by intermediate skills and advanced techniques. It is important to train the crew so that they compliment the skipper. Line handlers can make or break your docking. After this course it will be much easier to show your crew what you need, when you need it and how to do all safely.
Docking practice starts in open water, soon moves to the confines of the marina where confidence and skills are confirmed and rewarded with a smile. Docking becomes fun without the stress!
This two-day course is designed to teach basic and advanced docking skills for boats with single inboard or outboard engines. It covers the theory and hands-on techniques needed to dock and undock boats in an efficient manner and without damage or injury.
Topics Include
Ashore Knowledge
- Four forces that act on a boat during docking maneuvers.
- Forces the helmsman can control or use to advantage during docking.
- Engine and rudder controls used during docking.
- Use of mooring lines, including spring lines, in a slip and alongside a dock.
- Safety considerations during docking.
- Undocking procedures and crewmember duties.
- Docking procedures and crewmember duties.
Underway Skills
- Prepare boat and crewmembers for docking and undocking including assessment of boat condition, dock and fairway configuration, routes of exit and entry, water depths, wind and current direction and strength, potential hazards, docking/undocking plan, crewmember assignments and instruction, and emergency abort options and procedures.
- Demonstrate a standing turn maneuver in a confined space; turn boat through a full 360º of rotation while remaining in a circle not exceeding two boat lengths in diameter.
- Dock parallel to a dock with wind blowing towards dock; demonstrate proper use of spring lines and tie up to the dock.
- Undock with wind blowing towards dock; demonstrate proper use of spring lines to avoid other boats moored fore and aft.
- Dock bow into slip with a cross wind; demonstrate proper use of spring lines.
- Dock stern into slip with a cross wind; demonstrate proper use of spring lines
- Demonstrate proper tying of cleat hitch, bowline and round turn with half hitches plus proper method for heaving a line.

Course Fee
$645 for Monohull course.
Course includes textbook. $50 discount for couples sharing materials (any two people signing up together). Cancellation Policy
We are flexible. If you would like day classes, private lessons, rides, refresher, etc., please call.
Directions to Bayfield (Lake Superior)
Pikes Bay Marina, 84190 Pikes Bay Road, Bayfield, WI 54814
Four hours north of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Take 35W to Duluth. Take Hwy 2 East for approximately 55 miles to Hwy 13 and then proceed north to Bayfield, WI. If you turn on Hwy 13 just east of Superior, Wisconsin you will take a very scenic route, although it is about 20 miles longer
Lake Superior courses:
2025 Class Schedule
Docking Bayfield: Lake Superior: Sat–Sun: May 31–June 1, 2025 (monohull)
Prerequisite for this course
Basic Keelboat (ASA 101) or equivalent experience.
Call Northern Breezes Sailing School at 763-542-9707 to register or with questions.